A Charlie Glass Thriller Series

Two weeks later, Charlie still hadn’t managed to extract herself from New York. Mercifully, she had been able to shed the Yankees hat. 

Pop read a nearby graphic. “What’s Synchronism?”

“It’s a form of abstract art that creates effects through rhythmic color forms. Why do you ask?”

“This fella here.”

“Thomas Hart Benton?”

“The very same, says he was one of those Synchronism chaps.” 

“Well, it must be true if it says it there. This is, after all, the

Metropolitan Museum of Art.”

The pair looked around in unison. “It’s quite the place.” 

“It certainly is. Of course, it’s not the Smithsonian.”

“Of course, Pop, nothing ever is.”

“So, why are we here again?”

“I wanted to show you this painting.”

“This synchronist painting?”

“Very good. This Synchronist painting.”

“What about it?”

“Recognize anyone?”

The epic painting depicted a host of steelworkers carrying out various functions. Molten ore poured across scenes covered with steam and fire. Almost art nouveau in style, the bottom right section of the collage gathered Charlie’s interest. She pointed to a man in a sleeveless t-shirt, stoking a fire in the sweltering heat. “Recognize him?”

“No. Should I?”

“Well, you bought one of his paintings.”

“What that’s Pollock?”

“Allegedly. It is said he posed as a model for this very painting.”

“Ha! No way. You’re a constant source of surprises.”

“As are you Pop. You did well on the sting.”

“Ah, it was nothing. I did as I was told. Be yourself and buy a painting. It’s a good job the checkbook was fake. I don’t have anything like that kind of money.”

“Well, we got her and her forgery ring, so thanks a million.”

“She looked so innocent.”

“Looks are almost always deceiving.”

“Learn that from your FBI training?”

“No. I learned that from you. Don’t you remember?”

“I can barely remember what I had for breakfast.”

“Really? It was an overblown pastrami bagel!”

“Oh yeah. How can I forget?” The pair bumped shoulders, never losing eye contact with the massive painting in front of them.

Pop kicked off the inquiry. “So, how can you be so sure?


“The lady’s guilt.”

We had a tip that she was selling fakes. Well, not fakes as such. She was just selling too many of them in too short a time frame.” 

“Is that a thing?”

“It is, if you’re uncovering once-in-a-lifetime pieces every other month.”

“She could be lucky or well connected.”

“She’d have to be both to get just one of the paintings she was moving on. And the frequency was off.”

“In what way? Instead of the supply drying up, it was opening up.”

“So, she got greedy?”

“That’s what got her on our radar. That’s not what sealed her fate.”

“Was there one thing? A silver bullet?”

“No, just a host of self-inflicted wounds.” Charlie turned to face her father, leaned in, and lifted his hand. “Speaking of self-inflicted wounds, I have some news.”

Concern etched Pop’s brow as Charlie brought his worst fears to life. “They have asked me to go to Iraq.”

Charlie stood beside the massive painting of steelworkers, the conversation with her father lingering in the air like a storm cloud. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was bustling with visitors, the sound of hushed conversations and echoing footsteps filling the grand halls. She turned her attention back to her father, who wore a mixture of concern and pride on his face.

“Iraq?” Pop’s voice quivered slightly as he processed the news. “What for?”

Charlie took a deep breath and began explaining. “The Bureau has been tasked with investigating a series of art thefts in Iraq, and they want me to lead the team. It’s a delicate situation. With the instability in the region, there’s been a surge in looting of historical artifacts and art from museums and archaeological sites.”

Pop furrowed his brow, concern etching lines on his face. “That sounds dangerous, Charlie.”

Charlie nodded through her solemn expression. “It is, but it’s also important work. We’re trying to recover Iraq’s cultural heritage and prevent these stolen artifacts from ending up on the black market. It’s not just about art; it’s about preserving history.”

Her father’s eyes softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I understand, Charlie. You’ve always been determined to make a difference. Just promise me you’ll be careful over there.”

“I promise, Pop,” Charlie replied with a grateful smile. “And I’ll make sure to keep you updated. We’ll video chat whenever we can.”

As they continued to discuss her upcoming mission, the ambience of the museum surrounded them. Visitors from around the world marveled at the art and history displayed on the walls, the echoes of admiration blending with the emotions in the air.

Meanwhile, back in New York City, the autumnal weather persisted. The crisp air carried the scent of roasted chestnuts from street vendors mingling with the aroma of freshly baked pretzels. The city’s vibrancy flowed through the streets.

At the Manheim Gallery of Fine Art, the Jackson Pollock painting remained safely displayed under the dim, carefully positioned lights. The gallery owner, Geraldine Plummer, was nowhere to be seen, her criminal endeavors now exposed.

In the heart of Manhattan, life moved on.